Backgrounder: National Research Program Provides Blueprint For Indigenous Student Post-Secondary Success

The LE,NONET Project emerged out of a national interest in increasing post-secondary graduation rates for Aboriginal people and the University of Victoria’s long-standing commitment to Aboriginal education.

LE,NONET operated at UVic between 2005 and 2009.

LE,NONET student components were:

  • a bursary program providing direct financial aid to Aboriginal undergraduate students of between $1,000 and $5,000 a year
  • emergency fund relief, established in the second year of the program, to address students’ short-term financial crises
  • a peer mentor program providing new students with one-to-one mentoring by experienced Aboriginal students
  • a preparation seminar—focusing on Aboriginal history and culture, Aboriginal research methods and skills for working in community settings—was a prerequisite for community internship and research apprenticeship programs
  • a community internship program required students to complete 200 hours of work with an Aboriginal community or organization in Canada
  • a research apprenticeship program required students to complete 200 hours of research work with a professor or research institute at UVic


Student participants in LE,NONET were very clear that, for them, the definition of success was inextricably linked to broader community change.

LENONET students experienced:

  • 100 per cent increase in term-to-term continuation
  • 20 per cent increase in graduation rates
  • 67 per cent reduction in withdrawal rates
  • One additional year of retention in their academic program


Over 90 per cent of LE,NONET students said that the program contributed to their success at UVic. Over 70 per cent either agreed or strongly agreed that LE,NONET helped them develop their sense of Aboriginal identity. An even higher percentage, over 73 per cent, said the program helped them feel more a part of the Aboriginal community on campus.

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Keywords: national, research, progr, provides, blueprint, indigenous, student, postsecondary, success

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