Bob Wright's Oak Bay Marine Group Donation of $11 Million to UVic Ocean & Climate Research

“A gift back to the ocean.”

The University of Victoria is honoured to announce an unprecedented gift of $11 million by Bob Wright, President and CEO, Oak Bay Marine Group of Companies, towards the support of ocean, earth and atmospheric research and education at the University of Victoria.

This donation – the largest cash gift UVic has ever received – will allow the university to reach a new level of research in the most critical issue facing the world today – climate change.

“A lifelong passion and affinity for the sea has underscored my concern about the impact of global warming on our oceans,” Wright said. “As a community and as a country, we must expand our investment in solid scientific research so we can pass on a healthy environment for generations to come.”

“As a global centre of excellence in ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences, this generous gift will help take the University of Victoria’s scientific research to an even higher level,” said UVic President David Turpin. “Bob Wright’s $11 million investment is testimony to how we as Canadians can play a leading role in discovering the facts about environmental change on the global stage.”

The gift is being donated on behalf of the crew who work at the Oak Bay Marine Group. Of the $11 million gift, $10 million will help fund the new Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Building and $1 million will fund student scholarships.

“I have had many UVic graduates and students work with the Oak Bay Marine Group over the years and I’ve always valued the education they received there. The scholarship fund will help more students experience the tremendous benefits of a UVic education,” added Wright.

“Bob Wright’s profound generosity is a true example of how an individual and company can go above and beyond to both support the community in which they operate and contribute to the solution of global issues,” added Turpin.

Today’s gift further builds upon the recent philanthropy that UVic has been honoured to receive from individuals, which includes the $5 million Mearns family gift and the $2.25 Mohr family gift.


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In this story

Keywords: oceans, climate, research, philanthropy, funding

People: Bob Wright

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