UVic Women's Studies celebrates 20 years

It's been 20 years since the University of Victoria offered its first course in women's studies. During the past two decades, 3,383 UVic students have taken women's studies classes and 124 have completed majors or honours programs. To celebrate, UVic's department of women's studies is planning a series of events for alumnae and the public during the 1999/2000 academic year.

"We are wanting to create opportunities for bridge building to former students and the community," says department chair Dr. Christine St. Peter.

The celebrations will commence Oct. 18-25 as Caribbean-Canadian writer and activist Makeda Silvera will visit UVic as a Lansdowne Scholar. Silvera is a writer, scholar, editor, community activist, mother, and one of the founders of Toronto's Sister Vision Press. Since the 1970s she has worked with and followed closely the situation of Caribbean domestic workers She will present a public reading of her work on Oct. 22 and take part in a panel workshop entitled "Visions of Social Justice for the Millennium" on Oct. 23.

Planning is also under way for a women's studies weekend reunion in January 2000, which will offer former students, staff and faculty an opportunity to renew friendships, reconnect with the department and have fun. Proposed events include guest speakers, a party, and an evening showcase of alumnae writing, music, comedy, art, film and video, and performance.

And, if there is sufficient interest, the first women's studies summer camp will take place in July or August 2000--a week filled with workshops and activities, evening programs around the campfire, and ample time for unstructured reflection, discussion and artistic activities.

Former students, staff and faculty members are encouraged to contact the department via email at wsanniv@uvic.ca and provide current contact information.

To receive further information about anniversary events and a copy of the new women's studies newsletter,

Write: Department of Women's Studies
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3045
Victoria, BC V8W 3P4
Call: (250) 721-7378
Fax: (250) 721-7210
or visit the women's studies interactive Web site at http://web.uvic.ca/women.

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In this story

Keywords: uvic, womens, studies, celebrates, 20, years

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