UVic Sociologist Renowned for Improving Seniors' Lives

UVic sociologist Dr. Neena Chappell is being recognized for her lifetime of scholarship and many years of service to the scientific and academic communities. Tomorrow night she will receive a Career Achievement Award from the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of B.C.

Chappell, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Gerontology, has produced groundbreaking research on the extent and importance of informal health care support services for seniors. She’s internationally known for her work on home care, supporting the case for government expansion in this area to provide more efficient and appropriate health care for an aging society. Her work has been at the forefront of examining the integration of informal and formal care systems for seniors.

Over the past 26 years, Chappell has led the development of two world-class interdisciplinary research centres on aging at the University of Manitoba and UVic. She has produced 170 peer-reviewed articles, five books, two edited books and 36 reports, delivered 89 invited addresses and attracted more than $20 million in research funding. Chappell has also been actively involved in many scholarly and professional organizations and made major contributions to the development of research funding bodies in Canada.

“It is a privilege to be able to spend one’s time doing what one believes in and enjoys so much,” says Chappell. “To be recognized for doing so, is indeed an honour.”

CUFA/BC represents approximately 3,600 faculty members, professional librarians and other academic staff at five B.C. universities. In 2002, UVic physiologist Dr. Nancy Sherwood won the CUFA/BC Career Achievement Award, which was created in 1998. Over the years, a number of UVic professors have been awarded CUFA/BC’s Distinguished Academics Awards: ethnobotanist Dr. Nancy Turner (2002), chemist Dr. Reg Mitchell (2000), and child and youth care professor Dr. Sibylle Artz (1998).

The award—consisting of $1,000 and a trophy—is being presented at a CUFA/BC dinner in Vancouver on April 14.

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Media contacts

Dr. Neena Chappell (Centre on Aging/ Sociology) at (250) 472-4465 or nlc@uvic.ca

Maria Lironi (UVic Communications) at (250) 721-6139 or lironim@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: uvic, sociologist, renowned, improving, seniors, lives

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