UVic appoints new head of technology transfer office

The UVic Innovation and Development Corporation has a new president and CEO who brings research experience and business savvy to the job of coordinating the transfer of new technologies to the private sector and generating financial support for UVic research.

"Basic research is the fuel and the IDC builds the pipeline," says Tim Walzak, Ph.D., P. Eng. "My biggest thrill is working with researchers because they're enthusiastic and they love their work. That's the most exciting part."

Walzak, 40, has been a research scientist, entrepreneur and&emdash;for the past two years&emdash;director of the University of Western Ontario (UWO) industry liaison office and research park. He played a pivotal role in linking UWO's researchers and industry.

Dr. Bill Bridger, UWO's vice-president of research, told the London Free Press: "He's done a tremendous job in changing the community's perception of the university and changing faculty's perception of industry." UWO had not previously been active in licensing its technologies or spinning off companies.

"UVic can play a pivotal role in economic development, and the community wants to see the university play that role. But it has to be on a time-dependent, professional approach," Walzak says.

"Tim is ideally suited for this position," says Sandra Harper, Chair of the IDC Board of Directors. "He has a clear understanding of both academic and business cultures and he has great ideas on how to make UVic a leader in university/industry partnerships."

Walzak was a research engineer at UWO, worked for IBM and Dofasco, and has owned consulting and manufacturing companies. "I know what it's like to write grant proposals and I know what it's like trying to pay bills for your company."

Since its inception, the IDC has helped spin-off 10 commercial ventures developed from UVic science and engineering research.

Walzak took over this month from Harry Davis who retired in June.

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Keywords: uvic, appoints, new, head, technology, transfer, office

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