UVic Business Profs Near Top In Research Productivity

Top-notch research published by Canadian business professors may be declining overall, but the productivity of the University of Victoria's faculty of business is rising rapidly.
According to a survey conducted by Professor Paul Beamish of the University of Western Ontario's Ivey business school, UVic's business faculty ranks second among 41 Canadian business schools in terms of the increase in articles published in the 1995-99 period versus the 1990-94 period.
Overall, UVic's business faculty ranks tenth in Canada in terms of publications during the 1995-99 period with a full-time faculty contingent of 21 (one-third to one-fifth the size of other schools).
Based on Beamish's data, this means UVic ranks first in Canada in terms of articles published per full-time business faculty member.
"It's important to note that while UVic business has recently received major international awards for teaching, we are also highly regarded in terms of research," says Dean of Business, Dr. Roger Wolff. "The faculty emphasizes research relevant to practicing managers. We pride ourselves on field-based work and studies of significance to contemporary business."
Current issues tackled by UVic business professors range from a study of CEO values, to workplace culture, strategies for e-commerce success, understanding entrepreneurial success and how to recover from failures in service delivery.
The UVic faculty of business emphasizes international experience and has formal partnerships with 30 respected universities around the world. Undergraduates select from four specialties: entrepreneurship, international management, hospitality and services management or general management.
As well, the UVic MBA program is specifically designed to prepare graduates for an environment of constant global change, whether from technology, competition or regulation.

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Keywords: uvic, business, profs, near, research, productivity

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