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Major funding boost for CanAssist

April 5, 2017 - The Ring

New funding from the BC government for CanAssist will expand services for seniors living with dementia, and children and youth with special needs, including a grant of $3M to continue the CanStayHome initiative and another $1.5M to produce and supply existing assistive technologies.

Read more: Major funding boost for CanAssist
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Coming of Age: a balancing act between work, school and life

October 26, 2016 - The Ring

When you hear the word ‘teenager’ do you imagine someone closed up in their room obsessed with their phone, text messages and social media? Or is it someone trying to balance work, school, health/stress, volunteering and family relationships? Recent research has proven the latter: the vast majority of teens care deeply about others and are involved in their communities. At the same time, many are facing very adult issues such as debt, finding affordable housing, stress and hypertension.

Read more: Coming of Age: a balancing act between work, school and life