Grading options this term

- University of Victoria

As per the March 27 announcement, UVic is offering the following grading options for students this term (Jan-April courses and Sept-April courses):

  • Keep original grade as assigned by the instructor
  • COVID Pass/Fail (with no impact on GPA)
  • Drop a course without academic penalty (course does not appear on official transcript, no tuition reimbursement)
  • COVID Withdraw - Extenuating Circumstances (course appears on official transcript, no academic penalty, no tuition reimbursement)

Students who wish to select an option other than keeping their original grade(s) may complete the new grading options form after receiving all original grades. Check your Administrative Transcript in My page to confirm that your grades for the term have been posted before completing the form.

To get started, visit the grading options web page. There are many factors to consider, including academic progression, final GPA, graduation requirements, future admissibility, financial aid, study permit, etc. To ensure that you make informed decisions, consult all necessary resources before moving ahead.

The deadline to submit the form is May 29. If you have additional questions related to the grading process, please contact the appropriate unit:

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