The force is with UVic Star Wars expert

Fine Arts

When it comes to the original Star Wars trilogy, the force is definitely with University of Victoria PhD candidate David Christopher. An instructor of cinema and cultural theory in the Department of Art History and Visual Studies, he is not only developing a course on Star Wars which he hopes to debut at UVic in 2016, but he also played the role of Darth Vader at his own Star Wars-themed wedding and, at seven years of age, watched the first movie from the back of a wood-panelled station wagon at an Ottawa drive-in in 1977.

Christopher is well-versed in all things Star Wars: “It not only changed how movies were made but it changed how people talked about movies. It started a tectonic shift in cinematic practices and a discursive zeitgeist within popular culture. I don’t think anyone—certainly not George Lucas—expected it to be what it became.”

In addition to master degrees in cinema and cultural theory and theatre history, Christopher holds degrees in English and economics and was recently published in the Canadian cinema journal CineAction, the Online Journal of Arts and Humanities and in the Theatre Notebook (UK).

High-resolution photos available on Dropbox for media
More about UVic PhD candidate David Christopher

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Media contacts

David Christopher (Art History & Visual Studies) at

John Threlfall (Fine Arts Communications) at 250-721-6222 or

Tara Sharpe (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6248 or

In this story

Keywords: expert, film, graduate research

People: David Christopher

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