Backgrounder: UVic Launches Privacy And Information Security Review

David Flaherty

David Flaherty is a specialist in privacy and information policy issues and served as the first Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia from 1993 to 1999. Flaherty has written or edited 14 books, including Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies: The Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, and the United States (1989) and is the co-author of The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: An Annotated Guide (2001). He also co-authored “Guidelines for Managing Privacy, Data Protection and Security for Ontario Hospitals,” a report prepared by the Ontario Hospital eHealth Council’s Privacy and Security Working Group in 2003. He has been a member of the external advisory committee to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada since the committee’s inception in 2004 and the expert external advisory board for the BC Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner since January 2011. Flaherty was an adjunct professor in political science at the University of Victoria from 1999 to 2006.

Jamie Cassels, QC

Jamie Cassels is a professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. He has served as dean of the faculty, and later as UVic’s vice-president academic and provost (2001 to 2010). Cassels is also a member of the Bar of British Columbia and has practised law and consulted on issues of public significance. His primary areas of academic expertise include remedies, private law and civil litigation and he has published widely in these fields, including a book on the Bhopal gas disaster and two treatises on the law of damages and large-scale civil litigation. Among the awards he has received for research and teaching are the Canadian Association of Law Teachers Award for Academic Excellence and the national 3M Teaching Award. In 2003, Cassels was awarded the Provincial Queen’s Counsel designation for distinction in the legal profession.

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Keywords: security, privacy

People: David Flaherty

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