Using 9/11 as a Marketing Tool

Since the terrorist attacks on the US last September, advertisers have been using the tragedy to sell their products. For example, recent billboards from fashion designer Kenneth Cole say, “On September 12, people who don’t speak to their parents forgot why...Life is not a dress rehearsal.” But Dr. Susan Turner, who teaches business ethics at UVic, says this response to national tragedy isn’t new. She says since the Second World War, the celebration of patriotism, which is arguably at the basis of 9/11 type marketing, has been a very successful marketing tool. “In the September 11, 1944 issue of Life Magazine, Kodak used the slogan “Kodak Recordak System safeguards the virtual records of everyone’s life.” In that same issue, the Florida Citrus Commission advertised its grapefruit juice with, “These are the days of Victory Vitamin C!” Such promotional gimmicks may strike us as distasteful, but it would be difficult to show they are unethical.” The sense there is something more deeply wrong with such advertisements is likely strongest among those who do not identify with the values they express. Turner says consumers will tend to buy products or services they associate strongly with a cherished value, solving a primal problem or calming a deep worry. All advertising exploits this fact about the consumer mind.

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Keywords: using, 911, marketing, tool

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