UVic Economist says Immigration Change Will Have No Effect

Dr. Sajjad Akbar refutes a claim made by the Canadian Bar Association last week that a change proposed by the Immigration Department would limit the number of blue collar workers allowed into Canada. The change would decrease the number of points allotted to blue collar workers in their bid to amass at least 70 points and entry into Canada. Dr. Akbar says that in the short term this change will have no effect because anyone who applies before May 1 will be judged by the current system and that there is an 18-month backlog in applications. Dr. Akbar also says the long term effect won't be felt either because the government is just "tinkering at the margins". "The fundamental thing that needs to be recognized," says Dr. Akbar, "is that most white collar occupations already have lower points compared to blue collar workers." Dr. Akbar is a member of the West Coast Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration.

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Keywords: uvic, economist, says, immigration, change, effect

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