Experts on green fiscal stimulus in new federal budget

Human and Social Development, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business

Credit: Guillaume Jaillet, Unsplash

The following University of Victoria experts are available to media to discuss what the newly released federal budget means for Canada’s green fiscal-stimulus leadership and low-carbon future, as published in The Conversation Canada today.

This builds on their current project analyzing 913 stimulus measures adopted by G20 countries in the last two years to develop a Green Energy Policy Index that ranks countries based on the greenness of their COVID-related response policies. 

Kevin Andrew (Gustavson School of Business postdoctoral research fellow) is an expert in climate finance and its intersection with macroeconomics. He can speak to macroeconomic and financial risks related to climate change as well as green fiscal policy. (Contact:

Basma Majerbi (Gustavson School of Business) is an expert in sustainable finance and can speak to climate-related financial risk and impact investing for driving climate solutions and social change. (Contact:

Katya Rhodes (Public Administration/Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at UVic) is an expert in climate-policy design and low-carbon economy transitions. She can discuss impacts of climate policy on Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions and the economy. (Contact:

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Media contacts

Sasha Milam at 250-472-5108 or

Suzanne Ahearne (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6139 or

In this story

Keywords: Business, sustainability, environment, politics, government, interdisciplinary

People: Basma Majerbi, Kevin Andrew, Katya Rhodes

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