Political experts on federal election

The following University of Victoria experts are available to media to provide comment on a wide range of subjects about politics and election issues including data privacy, gender politics, fiscal policy, foreign policy, electoral procedure, federal-provincial relations, polling, and policy tactics and messaging: 

Colin Bennett (Political Science) is an expert on access to information and privacy protection legislation. He can discuss the use of data analytics in elections and the cyber-threats to the integrity of our elections, as well as how political parties are incorporating technology into their campaigns, such as robocalls. (Contact:

Penny Bryden (History), an expert in Canadian political history, can comment on issues relating to the evolution of federalism, political parties and bureaucracy. Her latest research project examines the history of Canadian political scandals since Confederation. Bryden is president of the Canadian Historical Association. (Contact: 250-721-7407 or )

Rob Gillezeau (Economics) is an economist with expertise in public policy. He can speak to election issues that include fiscal policy, social programs such as child care, labour market programs, taxation and tax expenditures, as well as how policies can affect Indigenous Peoples. (Contact: 250-472-5948 or ) 

Will Greaves (Political Science) is an expert in international relations. He can comment on how the outcome of the federal election will impact Canadian foreign policy, Canada-US relations and the implications for the Arctic, as well as policies related to climate change and the energy sector. (Contact: ) 

Jamie Lawson (Political Science) is an expert in Canadian politics and can give an overview of the federal political landscape including resource and environment-related issues. He can also comment on climate and fossil-fuel initiatives. (Contact: lawsonj@uvic.ca

Grace Lore (Political Science) is a sessional instructor and an expert on gender and politics. She can speak to most issues leading up to the federal election, including candidate selection and general political behaviour. (Contact: glore@uvic.ca

Michael Prince (Human and Social Development) is an expert in political and electoral issues and procedures. He can provide context and comment on trends in social policy over the past 50 years, including federal-provincial relations, Indigenous governance, public health and disability politics. (Contact: 250-721-8043 or ) Please note: Dr. Prince is not available on election night and for the two days following. 

Kimberly Speers (Public Administration) is a political expert who can comment on campaign strategies, polling, social media, Vancouver Island ridings, and general policy tactics and messaging. (Contact: 250-721-8057 or )


Media contacts

Anne MacLaurin (Social Sciences Communications) at 250-217-4259 or sosccomm@uvic.ca

Tara Sharpe (University Communications + Marketing) at tksharpe@uvic.ca

Suzanne Ahearne (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6139 or sahearne@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: politics, government

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