Film explores soldiers' PTSD, transitions home

Canada’s military may have left Afghanistan, but the toll of their tours of duty is still having an impact. According to Judy Jackson’s new documentary War in the Mind, 15 per cent of the country’s soldiers are affected by post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There will be a free public showing of the film on March 14 at 7 p.m. in MacLaurin A144 (David Lam Auditorium). 

The documentary includes enactments where veterans relive dark and painful moments from their military lives under the guidance of psychologists Drs. Marvin Westwood and David Kuhl, who developed their therapeutic program with UVic counseling psychologist Dr. Timothy Black.

Jackson’s documentary includes testimony from veterans of many wars, including World War II, who say the pain “never goes away.” Canadian veteran, author and now senator Romeo Dallaire shares his thoughts of his own high-profile battle with PTSD in the documentaty narrated by Canadian actor Paul Gross.

Following the film showing, Black will host a panel that includes soldiers who appear in the film to discuss their experiences in therapy, the Canadian military’s reaction and response to PTSD and the soldiers’ attempts to move forward in their lives.

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Keywords: PTSD, war

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