Giving Tuesday: the sprinkles are back

- Sarah Tarnopolsky

Cookie delivery on a sprinkle-themed tricycle, anyone?

Widened community focus and a variety of ways for people to take part 

After the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday has become globally recognized as a day to focus on giving back. The University of Victoria’s Giving Tuesday initiative brings together community members, alumni, faculty, staff and students to donate to their chosen causes, participate in events (online and in-person) and unlock dollars from sponsors. The goal is to collectively raise money for a variety of programs and projects across the entire university. Many of these programs benefit the wider community.

Since 2016, the UVic Giving Tuesday event has generated $399,600—each year increasing in the number of participants, dollars raised and range of projects supported. Also increasing each year are the different ways people can get involved, both on and off campus. If you’re on campus on November 30 this year, look out for a giant Philanthr-opoly game, a bubble bus selling donuts, and coffees by donation at Food Services locations. Students can play trivia-style games online and via Instagram to learn about philanthropy at UVic, with each play unlocking sponsor-contributed dollars.

An invitation to community

In the weeks before November 30, the Countdown Challenges are fun opportunities for alumni and friends to show support. For example, Giving Grams were so popular with faculty and staff last year, they are now open to anyone, whether they have a UVic connection or not. With a $5 minimum donation, the sender creates a message of positivity for another person in their life, via a Giving Gram. Along with the message, the recipient gets to direct the sender’s donation to the Giving Tuesday priority fund of their choosing. Our sponsors have put up dollars to match the first 250 Giving Grams sent, doubling their impact.

What does Giving Tuesday fund?

Funds raised on Giving Tuesday support student initiatives, research that strengthens communities, and programs that change lives. There are 24 priority funds this year. Three examples are: University 101, which offers free, non-credit, academic courses to people whose economic and social circumstances normally pose obstacles to university education; CanAssist, whose innovative programs help transform lives by increasing peoples’ independence, inclusion and belonging; and the Youth in Care Living Expenses Fund, which helps with the cost of books, supplies, living expenses and other items for students who were formerly in government care.

What about the sprinkles?

Yes, you can find sprinkles everywhere during Giving Tuesday—virtually, metaphorically and for real (for example, on the donuts). The sprinkles are intended to represent how any of the Giving Tuesday actions—including donations of any size—make a big difference to these different priority funds. Giving Tuesday is a chance to see how much we can achieve in 24-hours when a large community comes together for the causes they care about. Please join us on November 30, 2021.

Visit the Giving Tuesday website to find out more.


In this story

Keywords: philanthropy, administrative, student life

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