Dr. Jill Anne Chouinard

Dr. Jill Anne Chouinard
Director & professor
Office: HSD A320

PhD (University of Ottawa), MA, BA

Professional information & research

Dr. Jill Anne Chouinard is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Administration. Her interdisciplinary scholarship is shaped by anthropology, cultural studies, feminism, critical theory, social geography and post modernism, all of which informs her interest in culture, and in issues of in/equity and social justice, whether here at home or more globally.

Her main research areas are in culturally responsive approaches to research and evaluation, participatory research and evaluation, and evaluation and public policy. Much of her evaluation work has been conducted in culturally and socially diverse community settings, where she has extensive experience leading evaluations at the community level in the areas of education, social services, public health, and organizational learning and change. She positions evaluation as a catalyst for learning, collaboration, equity, social justice and community change.

She is currently the Managing Editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation and a Section Editor (Ethics, Values and Culture) for the American Journal of Evaluation. In 2020 she released two books, Culturally Responsive Approaches to Evaluation: Empirical Implications for Theory and Practice (co-written with Fiona Cram) and an edited book Growing the Knowledge Base in Evaluation: The Contributions of J. Bradley Cousins (co-edited with Isabelle Bourgeois and Courtney Amo).

Current research interests

  • Program evaluation (culturally responsive and collaborative approaches)
  • Developing/adapting culturally responsive methodologies
  • Evaluator engagement and community change
  • Teaching evaluation (and questions about theory and practice), critiques of epistemology in evaluation/social sciences, ethics and collaborative practice, equity and community coalitions

Recent publications

Selected publications (2020)


Chouinard, J.A., & Cram, F. (2020). Situating culturally responsive approaches to evaluation: Empirical implications for theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Chouinard, J.A., Bourgeois, I, & Amo, C. (Eds.) (2020). Growing the knowledge base in evaluation: The contributions of J. Bradley Cousins. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Book Chapters

Chouinard, J.A. (in press). Mapping the ecology of knowledge in collaborative practice: A look toward future research. In P. Dahler Larsen (Ed.). A research agenda for evaluation. Cheltonham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Chouinard, J.A., Cavanaugh, S.A., Adetogun, A., & Baker, K. (2020). A view from the classroom: A reflection on the use of the CAE principles in an instructional setting. In J.B. Cousins (Ed.). Global test drive of principles for collaborative approaches to evaluation (CAE). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Journal Co-Edited

LaVelle, J., & Chouinard, J.A. (in press). Editors. Teaching of evaluation: Practice notes from the field. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, Special Issue.

Peer Reviewed Journals

Augustine, N. & Chouinard, J.A. (under review). Challenges evaluating complex equity focused community initiatives. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation.

Chouinard, J.A. & Cousins, J.B. (in press). Ethical justifications for collaborative approaches to evaluation. Evaluation.

Chouinard, J.A. & LaVelle, J. (in press). Re-envisioning evaluation pedagogy with a community of scholar teachers. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation.

LaVelle, J. & Chouinard, J.A. (in press). Why practice notes about how to teach evaluation? Canadian Journal of program Evaluation.

Orozco, G.M.A., Onwuka Du Bruyn, O., & Chouinard, J.A. (in press). Fieldwork experience as cultural immersion: Two international students and their professor reflect on a recent evaluation practicum. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation.

Acree, J. & Chouinard, J.A. (2020). Exploring the concept of use in culturally responsive approaches to evaluation: A review of the empirical literature. American Journal of Evaluation.