Grid of 13 experts on International Women's Day against a purple background.

International Women's Day

Check out our UVic experts on International Women’s Day and research on women’s/gender studies.

UVic news
UVic President, Kevin Hall

Pink Shirt Day 2024

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Pink Shirt Day 2024
10 Vanier and Banting research award recipients

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Research news
Spanish polar research vessel, BIO Hespérides

New Antarctic Ocean observatory

Canadian and European experts in polar observation are joining forces in a new partnership that will see ONC operating a subsea observatory at the Spanish Antarctic Station. Photo credit: Christopher Michel.

UVic news
Exterior shot of Cheko’nien House and Sngequ House

UVic’s new residence complex

Two new residences—Čeqʷəŋín ʔéʔləŋ (Cheko’nien House) and Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House)—provide much-needed student housing, as well as new academic and social space to help students live a full, fun and experience-rich life at UVic.

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Celebrating 60 years

For 6 decades, UVic has brought students, faculty and staff together to make a difference in our community and globally.

UVic news

A passion for food justice

Social Sciences

- Anne MacLaurin

Strom Trudel

Hunger and poor nutrition exist across the globe, but in places where wealth inequality is increasing, such as Canada, food insecurity is growing. 

In her recent research, UVic student Katherine Strom Trudel found that 10 per cent of Canadians are food insecure. For her honours program in anthropology, Strom Trudel looked at the experience of food insecure mothers and caregivers in Victoria. Her research showed three barriers existed to accessing charitable food services: transportation, nutrition and priority access. Strom Trudel hopes her honours research will be used to improve access for all community members. In June, she graduates with an Honours BSc in anthropology, with a minor in environmental studies, and co-op.

As a woman of Kahnawake Mohawk and mixed settler descent, Strom Trudel says she has experienced various challenges throughout her life. But the intersection of these backgrounds has allowed her to walk in two worlds, and it has encouraged her to work hard and better her community and Indigenous communities across Turtle Island.

The person who inspired her the most, however, was her mother.

“My mother raised me in spaces that taught me how to build community, through food,” says Trudel.

Her best friend Shannon also inspired Strom Trudel’s research and encouraged her to be involved in spaces where food, mutual aid and community building were appreciated.

Strom Trudel says she loves how diverse anthropology is as an area of study and how it can be applied in different ways to thinking about more place-based solutions to issues.

“I am grateful that my department encourages research and exploring diverse fields in the discipline of anthropology, and I have had many profs contribute to helping me grow in these areas, including Margo Matwychuk, Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier, Sarah-Louise Decrausaz and Amanda Cooke,” she says.

Strom Trudel hopes to take a bit of time off after graduation and before she starts a bachelor of education in September. She plans to teach middle and high school students in remote communities around BC. She also does a lot of volunteering with Girl Guides of Canada where she helps with various community food security and justice groups.

As an avid runner, Strom Trudel hopes to do her first marathon this summer, as well as lots of hiking, biking and surfing. She will continue with her federal government job and she will also travel to Haida Gwaii to do some work this summer.


In this story

Keywords: convocation, anthropology, health

People: Katherine Strom Trudel

Publication: The Ring

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