CSA webinar: Iranian Politics and (un)Veiling of Women

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10:00am Pacific Time / 1:00pm Eastern Time




As the global community watches the recent events in Iran with the tragic passing of Mahsa Amini and rise of social protests, questions on Iranian women’s rights and bodily autonomy remain at the forefront of public discourse. The slogans and images of protests represent the unveiling of Iranian women as a strong collective “NO,” not only to Islamic regime’s suppression of women’s rights to their body (mandatory veiling) but also to the entire Islamic regime entity. This lecture will explore the current question of Iranian women and will historically and politically contextualize the roots of the centric position of women’s bodies in the Iranian political sphere.

Sara Naderi is an Iranian PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Victoria and a Limited term Faculty member at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Her major field of research, including her doctoral dissertation, centers on the shaping and reshaping of Iranian women’s individual and collective selves in the storms of socio-political events and intellectual discourses which represent them.


Moderator: Ashley Berard, University of Victoria, Co-Chair of the Applied and Community-Engaged Sociology Research Cluster