Why study classics?

Why Study Classics

Students take an active role in uncovering the ancient past; excavating at ancient Eleon (Greece)

Why Study Classics

UVic students at sanctuary of Artemis at ancient Ephesus (Turkey) as part of the UVic in Greece and Turkey program

Why Study Classics

As part of GRS 395 students study first-hand important cultural monuments like the Temple of Athena Parthenos in Athens

Why Study Classics

As part of GRS 495, students are able to participate in faculty-directed research including excavations

What do Chris Martin of Coldplay and Karl Marx have in common? How about J.K Rowling, Jerry Brown (Governor of California), Ted Turner, and the singer Dido?

Answer: They all studied Greek and Latin, the field known widely as Classics.

If anyone has ever looked at you strangely when you said you were taking Greek and Roman Studies, continue reading. For one example, Katherine Brooks' article provides a very useful summary of the value of Classics in today's world.

When you tell people your Major, do they ask, 'What are you going to do with that? You'll never get a job!' If so, you should read this from The GuardianClassics and Ancient History, and Branding and Marketing the Classics Major.

Want to become a strong leader? Read the advice of Steve Forbes or, read Henry David Thoreau, or Thomas Jefferson.

Read these other perspectives on why you should take Greek and Roman Studies.

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