T2200 Declaration of Employment and Work-space-in-the-Home Expenses

University of Victoria employees required to work remotely from home due to COVID-19 may be eligible to deduct some work-space-in-home expenses by filing a T2200 Declaration of employment form as part of their 2020 personal income tax return.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) form T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment is completed by the employer at the end of the calendar year to certify that an employee was required to work from home and that some expenses not reimbursed by the employer may be claimed on their annual tax return.

During this period of remotely working from home, employees are encouraged to keep track of home costs such as heating, hydro and water as well as noting the square footage of their office area used and total square footage of their residence. Employees should also retain receipts of any purchases not reimbursed or eligible for reimbursement from the university.

As of June, Canada Revenue Agency has not updated the 2020 requirements and eligibility information on the declaration of employment guidelines for 2020, we are expecting more information in the coming months.