Armita Dash, a Chemistry PhD candidate is 3MT National Finalist

Armita Dash, a chemistry PhD candidate, is the first UVic student to go to the 3MT National Finals!

You can cast your vote here for your favourite presentation until May 26 for the Canada’s 3MT People’s Choice Award. Canada’s 3MT national champion will be selected by a team of judges: Tragically Hip guitarist Rob Baker, CBC Radio producers Tom Howell and Nicola Luksic, and entrepreneur Ian Baines. All three winners will be announced the first week of June.

3MT is a research communication competition that challenges graduate students to present the complexities of their research in an engaging and accessible way. The competition happens before an audience, and competitors are allowed to use only one static slide. 

Supervised by Frank van Veggel, Dash’s thesis, titled “Concussion: Targeting the Evil Protein,” details the hunt for an early diagnostic approach for concussions. The approach uses a nanoparticle-based marker that she designed. The marker targets a protein called tau that is abnormally deposited in brains of patients suffering from concussion or mild traumatic brain injury.