About the forum

The theme of the 2018 Building Reconciliation Forum hosted by the University of Victoria was Ts'its'u' watul tseep, meaning to help one another. In order to answer the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action, this is a lesson that universities must take to heart so that we collaborate rather than compete. The teachings of Coast Salish First Nations guide us to "work together in a good way" and "to be prepared for all work to come" so that universities across Canada make a difference in the lives of Indigenous students and their communities.

The 2018 forum brought together participants who included Thought Leaders from universities, Indigenous governing bodies and communities, and federal and regional government across Canada to answer the questions:

  • How are universities and their partner institutions working together with Indigenous communities to answer the Calls to Action?
  • What are the obstacles to answering the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action for universities?
  • How can universities make a positive difference for Indigenous students and communities?

The program each day was organized as a series of Thought Leaders Panels and related discussion tables that focused on post-secondary education priorities and regional and national policy issues related to the five legacy categories of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report:

  1. Education
  2. Child welfare
  3. Health
  4. Language and Culture
  5. Justice

 See the schedule of events.

Thanks to our sponsors

Grayline Sightseeing
District of Oak Bay
District of Saanich