Edible campus

The Edible Campus proponents and the Food Bank coordinator displaying their harvest.

Harvesting unused bounty on campus.

The well attended Edible Campus tour showed the current state of edible on campus.

Volunteers with the Edible Campus group and the Campus Food Bank harvest campus fruit trees.

Project name:      

Edible Campus Group (Phase 1)

Project cost:      


Money Requested: 


Project Leaders:

 Adam Huggins (Undergraduate Student)

 Hyeone Park (Graduate Student)

Status:                 Completed October 2016

Edible Landscape Feasbility Study (large file)   

Final Report              

Project Summary

This project aimed to complete the investigation of installing edible landscape at UVic, which was associated with the Sustainability Action Plan, and which was initiated through a challenge submitted by the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability to the CRD’s Ready, Set, Solve! (RSS) program. The project goal was to link food security, student health, and restoration initiatives on campus to channel student, faculty, and administrative energy towards common goals.

This project built on the initial “Edible Landscapes on the UVic Campus” feasibility report. The applicants identified two phases for this project and applied for funding to complete phase one of this project. Phase One involves networking and the creation of a “Edible Campus Group” consisting of students, campus groups, faculty, staff and local First Nations to develop this vision and engage in academic and educational opportunities, that build capacity around making and managing edible landscapes on campus.

Summary of Successes

  • Facilitated the creation of edible campus work study position to continue work on this project
  • Coordinated with Facilities Management Grounds unit to harvest unused fruit from campus trees and transfer fruit to the UVSS student Food Bank
  • Delivered a successful Edible Campus Walk during Campus Sustainability Week
  • Co-delivery of a permaculture design charrette with the Campus Community Garden
  • Hosting an Edible Campus Design competition to generate enthusiasm and ideas for a pilot. edible landscape, yielding 10 high-quality designs