Contact us

Where are we?

The Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology is located in the Petch Building.

Mailing address

University of Victoria
Dept. Biochemistry & Microbiology
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC
V8W 2Y2

Courier addresses


(for documents and textbooks)

University of Victoria
Dept. Biochemistry & Microbiology
Petch Bldg Room 207
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria BC V8P 5C2

Science Stores

(for equipment and lab materials)

University of Victoria
Science Stores
Petch Bldg Room 168
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria BC V8P 5C2

Key contacts

Position Contact Phone Room
General Office   250-721-7077 PCH 207
FAX   250-721-8855  
Chair (Interim) Dr. J. Cobb  250-721-7077 PCH 207b
Chair's Assistant Kaitlyn Adderley 250-721-7077 PCH 207
Admin Officer Kimberley Ladret 250-721-8887 PC 207a
Graduate Program Assistant Heidi Rubba 250-721-8861 PCH 207
Undergraduate Advisors

Kimberley Ladret



PCH 182

PCH 207a

Honours Advisor

Dr. J. Lum



Graduate Advisor Dr. C. Nelson 250-721-3889 PCH 192
Co-op Coordinator Heather Croft 250-472-4800 BWC A237
Science Stores 250-721-7190 PCH 168