Chris Darimont, geography, Globe and Mail story on Great Bear Rainforest

(February 9, 2016) - Despite many positive announcements about the Great Bear Rainforest agreement, the rainforest still has not been saved, reports the Globe and Mail on the front page of the BC section today. Chris Darimont provides comment, and UVic biologist Tom Reimchen is also mentioned for his research on bears and salmon. The article appears on the front page of the BC section today.  G&M

Despite many positive announcements about the Great Bear Rainforest agreement, the rainforest still has not been saved, reports the Globe and Mail on the front page of the BC section today. Chris Darimont provides comment, and UVic biologist Tom Reimchen is also mentioned for his research on bears and salmon. The article appears on the front page of the BC section today.  G&M