World's only Chair in Transgender Studies

(January 15, 2016) - Local, regional and national media carried this news extensively, with coverage ranging from a national story filed by the Canadian Press (with the Globe and Mail national edition running a CP photo Saturday of the UVic rainbow crosswalk with caption, "UVic walks the walk"; the Vancouver Sun ran the same photo in its front section) and picked up online Friday by the Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun,, Ottawa Citizen, The Province and CP24 Toronto's Breaking News, Huffington Post and the Georgia Straight, through to a front page story in the Times Colonist and an array of regional articles back east, as well as Friday's broadcast coverage (please see further below). 

Aaron Devor (Transgender Studies / Transgender Archives) was interviewed by TV outlets at Friday's event—Global BC in Vancouver, CTV Vancouver Island and CHEK News—and appeared live on CFAX Radio's "The Drive" and CBC Radio's "All Points West" afternoon programs on Friday.  Global Video  CHEK Video  CTV-VI (The CTV national network also posted the CP story, including a crosswalk photo: CTV News)