BikeMaps celebrates one-year data collection with cupcakes and results

(September 24, 2015) - 

If you cycle in Victoria you may be familiar with, a web-map for cyclists to record bike crashes, near misses, hazards and thefts. Celebrate its first year of data collection with cupcakes and a talk by lead researcher, UVic geographer Dr. Trisalyn Nelson, at City Hall on Oct. 6.

In addition to celebrating the website and app’s first birthday at the talk, the team will discuss new data and results from their survey work. “Data provided by over 650 CRD mappers is an amazing source of data on cycling safety in our region,” says Nelson. “We will be looking at traffic and design characteristics to highlight where and how cycling network designs can be safer.”

The UVic web-map was created by Nelson and her team of researchers in the UVic Geography SPAR Lab (spatial pattern and analysis research) to find hot spots of safe and risky cycling in the capital region. It was launched last fall.

What: celebrates first anniversary with cake and cycling safety hot spots talk with Dr. Trisalyn Nelson

When: Tuesday, Oct. 6 from noon to 1 p.m.

Where: Victoria City Hall Antechamber

Admission is free and everyone is welcome.