CFUW Dr Margaret McWilliams Pre-doctoral Fellowship

2014-2015 Winner: SAM GREY, political science (UVic faculty of social sciences)

B.A. Indigenous Studies, 2008, Trent University
B.A. with Honours, International Development Studies & Philosophy (Applied Ethics), 2008, Trent University
M.A. Human & Social Development, 2011, University of Victoria
Ph.D. Political Science, 2012-2016, University of Victoria

Sam’s work looks at resistance to reconciliation by examining the ways in which one Indigenous nation (the Dakota) is coping with the burden of memory in the face of the current, ostensibly transitional moment in Indigenous-Settler relations. Of particular interest is the politics of emotion – specifically the political work accomplished by unforgiveness, the feeling and expression of which seeks to hold the historical moment open and to challenge those projects intent on “turning the page.”