News and events

Mustard Seed & Multifaith Centre Food Share Program

This foodshare program provides food for UVic students through the Multifaith Centre.

Career Doctor - Pop-up career advice

Is your future in good health? Talk to the Career Doctor today!

Statistics Seminar: New numerical methods for computing optimal regression designs

Speaker: Julie Zhou, University of Victoria
Location: DTB A203
Event type: Statistics seminar

Pet Cafe

Join us Wednesday afternoons for cuddles with therapy dogs while enjoying free coffee, tea, and cookies.

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium (In Person Only): Dr. Sara Ellison, University of Victoria

"Clash of the Titans: Galaxy mergers in the nearby Universe"

Astronomy's current model of galaxy evolution is built on a foundation of hierarchical growth, in which small galaxies merge together to form larger ones. In addition to the simple accrual of mass,this merging process is predicted to fundamentally change the galaxies' properties, such as dramatic morphological transformations, the triggering of bursts of star formation and high rates ofaccretion onto the central supermassive black hole. In this talk I will explain the physical processes behind these predictions, and present the observations that we are performing in order to testthe theory.

Operator Theory Seminar: Nuclearity results for Toeplitz Algebras of Product Systems

Speaker: Marcelo Laca, University of Victoria
Location: A330
Event type: Operator theory seminar

Deadline: in-term invigilation requests

Invigilation requests for in-term exams are due at 4 p.m.