Asia Update: Stopping the Boats: Australia's refugee policies and their consequences for Southeast Asia

November 23, 2017
03:30 PM - 04:20 PM
Community event
Sedgewick C168

CAPI Asia Update

Stopping the Boats: Australia's refugee policies and their consequences for Southeast Asia

with Professor Donald R. Rothwell, Professor of International Law, Australian National University

Donald Rothwell

Since 2001 successive Australian governments have taken a stringent legal and policy response to refugees seeking to come to Australia by boat. The 'Tampa' incident prompted the Howard government to undertake offshore processing of refugees in Manus Island (Papua New Guinea) and Nauru. In 2013 the Abbot government introduced 'Operation Sovereign Borders' with a pledge of 'stopping the boats', and in 2016 the Turnbull government reached an agreement with the US for it to resettle refugees that Australia refused to take. The regional implications of Australia's refugee laws and policies will be assessed including the precedent set for future regional refugee crises.

Light refreshments will be served

Jonathan Woods