President's welcome back to in-person instruction
- President Kevin Hall
Welcome back to all students returning to campus this week and a big thank you to all staff and faculty who have been preparing for their return. I’m looking forward to meeting many of you this term, so say hello if you see me in the lineup for coffee or walking around Ring Road.
I know that the pandemic and circumstances of the new year have been weighing on many of us, and I want to reassure you that we are more than ready to have you back on our beautiful campus with the supports for a successful term. I also want to say that many of us know people in our circles who have been sick with the virus and I wish them a quick recovery and good health.
The Provincial Health Officer continues to inform us that, with our existing layers of health and safety measures in place, university campuses are low risk settings for transmission. The most recent updates and detailed information are available at our COVID information page.
High vaccination rates and following the comprehensive safety measures in place continue to be the most effective way to prevent transmission, which has been our experience at the university. Please do your part to keep our community safe and get your booster as soon as its your turn.
One of the best things about UVic is how we care about and support each other. We are strong in our commitment to make our campus a safe and vibrant place to learn, teach and work. Thank you for your continuing efforts to keep UVic open and active even in these complex times.
Take care and stay safe,
Kevin Hall, PhD