Summer Session 2021 timetable now live

- University of Victoria

The Summer Session 2021 timetable is now live. It has all of UVic’s course offerings and information about instructional method. Given the current public health orders, UVic is continuing to offer a mix of online and face-to-face courses this summer.

New this summer, we are excited to offer more courses than ever before that include both face-to-face and online components. This is how some of our courses with labs will be offered, including in the faculties of science and engineering.

Many undergraduate courses continue to be offered online, particularly in the faculties of education, humanities, human and social development, and social sciences, as well as in the Gustavson School of Business. To comply with physical distancing guidelines, all large classes across all faculties are fully online.

Graduate students can expect a continued mix of online and face-to-face options, similar to Winter Session 2020/21.

Registration for summer begins mid-March.

Keeping campus safe

All available classrooms, labs and studio spaces will have well-developed Safe Work Plans in place to support face-to-face teaching, learning and research. These plans ensure public health guidelines are followed, including physical distancing, masking and cleaning.

All students are welcome to come to campus to access study spaces. Every space and service that’s open on campus has a Safe Work Plan in place. Please follow directional signs and other signage.

Watch a video on what you can expect on campus.

Fall term

We know many of you have questions about the fall term and are eager to be back on campus to study and learn. Our plan is to make that possible as soon as it is safe to do so, and we are actively planning multiple scenarios for the fall. We will update you as soon as possible on our direction.