UVic extends winter break for students

- University of Victoria

The University of Victoria Senate has approved an extension to the winter break for students. Classes for the spring (January-April) term will begin Monday, Jan. 11 instead of Jan. 6, 2021.

The university, including student services, offices, housing and food services, will open as planned on Jan. 4. Please note that many services are being offered virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. This change does not affect practicum, co-op and professional programs with a pre-existing start date prior to the beginning of term.

“Senate made the decision to extend the winter break to support student wellness during the pandemic,” says Susan Lewis, Acting Vice-Provost. “It also provides valuable time for our faculty and instructors to prepare for their courses.”

To retain the same number of instructional days, the spring term will be three days longer than originally scheduled (Jan. 11 - Apr. 12) and the April exam period will be one day shorter (Apr. 15 - Apr. 27). The final exam schedule will include both Sundays within the exam timetable.

This is a one-time decision that affects the spring (January-April) 2021 term only. Summer classes will begin on May 5 as per the Academic Calendar.