Masterminds returns for 2019

Masterminds gear and icon graphic, UVic

Since 2006, Wednesday evenings in April belong to the Masterminds lecture series. Every year, there’s a new roster of entertaining speakers who delve into their personal passions to bring you engaging and visual presentations on an eclectic range of subjects.

All talks take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Masterminds is sponsored by the UVic Retirees Association and UVic’s Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, with support from the university.

Here are this year’s lectures:

Humanities in the digital age: A quiet revolution—How the digital humanities are changing the research landscape

Claire Carlin
April 3
HSD Building, Room A240

Music from the inside: The ‘flow’ of live performance—Staging musical performance in the era of personal playlist

Alexandra Pohran-Dawkins
April 10, 2019
HSD Building, Room A240

Arthur O’Meara and land claims in BC, 1900-1928—The story of an early 20th Century Indigenous land rights case

Hamar Foster
April 17, 2019
105 Harry Hickman Building

Creating a "One Planet" region: Healthy cities in the 21st century—Creating a healthier and more sustainable Victoria

Trevor Hancock
April 24, 2019
105 Harry Hickman Building

Visit the Masterminds website for more information and to register.


In this story

Keywords: Masterminds, Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, administrative

People: Hamar Foster, Alexandra Pohran-Dawkins, Claire Carlin, Trevor Hancock

Publication: The Ring

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