President Cassels seeks second term

Appointment committee invites input on reappointment

Following the updating of the appointment criteria by the university’s Presidential Appointment Committee, UVic President Jamie Cassels has indicated that he would welcome the opportunity to be considered for a second five-year term as president. The committee will now conduct a review of his performance and suitability for reappointment, per §14 of the university’s presidential appointment policy (GV0300).

The committee will consider many types of information before making its recommendation to the university’s Board of Governors, which is responsible for appointment of the president. In assessing Cassels’ past performance as it relates to the future direction of the university, it will take into account the criteria established as part of the most recent presidential search, the annual goals approved by the board and the evaluations carried out by the board, references, updated qualifications and other relevant input. The committee will also consider the possibility of the President’s reappointment in light of the updated appointment criteria and his stewardship statement.

Regular UVic faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in an advisory ballot on Cassels’ suitability for reappointment, through Monday, March 13 at 4:00 p.m. PDT. This is not a ratification ballot, but rather a means to canvass opinion and supplement the other sources that will inform the committee’s recommendation to the board. All eligible faculty and staff will receive instructions today by either email or campus mail on how they can participate in the ballot.

Members of the university community may also provide written input to the committee prior to 4:00 p.m. on March 13 by email at

More information about the presidential appointment process is available through the university secretary’s website.

In this story

Keywords: governance, administrative, president

People: Jamie Cassels

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