Thank-a-thon 2016

The lead-up to Thanksgiving is a perfect time to acknowledge what makes the UVic experience so great, as well as the many people behind that experience.

On Oct. 5 and 6, UVic’s Student Ambassadors, the Vikes and Donor Relations teams are rallying the campus community to celebrate the impact of donors and volunteers through a Thank-a-thon.

The first installment of the event will be held outside CARSA—focused on the donors who support the new facility, as well as sports and recreation activities. New for this year, we're challenging our Varsity athletes to see who can stake their claim as the most thankful team by completing more thank you notes.

If you miss that, you can still join us at the Petch Fountain on Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to personally thank a donor for contributing to UVic, by funding access to education, emergency support and extra-curricular opportunities.

Our goal is to mail 500 postcards—filled with messages of thanks from staff, faculty and students—to members of the UVic donor community. When you write a thank you note and mail in the Canada Post replica mailbox, you’ll get free goodies. It’s our way of thanking you for saying thank you.

You can also join the Thank-a-thon through social media. The Student Ambassadors will be spreading thanks and recognition around campus and on social media using #UVicGivesThanks. Participate by telling us what you’re grateful for at UVic and sharing your messages of thanks.


In this story

Keywords: philanthropy, student life, community

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