Virtuous cycles—Pedalling for patrons

There is certainly no shortage of UVic students, staff and grads cycling far and wide this summer to raise funds and awareness in support of various charities and causes, from ALS to MS, from organ transplantation to Parkinson’s Disease and even for scholarships for community leaders in West Papua.

The word “genocide” has been used to describe the situation in West Papua, the western region of the island of New Guinea, but most Canadians likely don’t know where it is on a map. UVic child and youth care grad Jeremy Bally is cycling from Victoria to St. John’s, NFLD this summer to change that. At performances in 92 communities across the country, Bally will tell the story of West Papua—a tale of contested lands, civil resistance, political intrigue, and a whole society of Indigenous Papuans caught in the middle. He is also raising funds for four scholarships in English for community leaders in West Papua. More info:

Vikes basketball star Ryan Mackinnon and his three brothers are cycling across Canada —from Comox to Halifax—to raise funds for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and in memory of their grandfather George Neville “Baha” Munro, successful lawyer, Olympian, University of British Columbia Sports Hall of Fame member, humanitarian, published author. More info:

Jim Forbes, director of Campus Services, and retired Associate V-P of Human Resources Peter Sanderson and four friends are cycling from Victoria to Los Angeles to raise funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society on behalf of their friend and running coach Jim Finlayson, who was diagnosed with MS three years ago and continues to race (and win and place) at an elite runner’s level. More info:

Kibby Evans, UVic biology and psychology grad and former Vikes rugby star, and her friend Daman Milsom are biking and camping across Canada—from Cape Spear, NFL, to Victoria—to raise awareness of the need for registered organ donors and to raise funds for organ transplantation research. More info:

UVic Nurse Educator Sara Wegwitz is part of a team of cyclists who will pedal 650 km from Kamloops to Hope from Aug. 8 to 18 to raise money and awareness for ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Started by Cindy Lister, whose father passed away from ALS last fall, the six women and one man have been holding fundraising events in the lead-up to their ride with an initial goal of raising $5,000 for the cause. A pink jersey, to be signed by Canada’s top cyclist Ryder Hesjedal when he returns to Victoria from Europe in August, has been on auction since early June. Bidding is due to close July 15. More info:


In this story

Keywords: cycling, fundraiser

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