UVic Eating Disorders Collaborative Clinic opens

Medical Sciences

UVic Health Services (UHS) along with Counselling Services, Vancouver Island Health Authority and the Ministry of Children and Family Development Eating Disorders Program launched a new Eating Disorders Collaborative Clinic here on campus in November 2011.

The clinic’s collaborative team is made up of dedicated practitioners with expertise in eating disorders, including physicians, counsellors, dieticians, a nurse, a psychologist and a psychiatrist. It operates out of UVic Health Services and focuses on prevention, early intervention and treatment services for university students.

“Three to 4 per cent of young women on campus have an eating disorder or display disordered eating
behaviours at any given time. These illnesses can have significant impact on academic learning,” says Dr. Cliff Duncalf, UHS psychiatrist. “University/college students are particularly vulnerable, yet underserviced in the institutional context.”

The young adult population is developmentally and environmentally at risk for developing disordered eating patterns and consequently more serious eating disorders. By treating students early and fostering student recovery, the program aims to prevent long-term effects of eating disorders as well as improve student academic success.

The clinic provides on-site treatment, support and education for clients with eating disorders and disordered eating. It is also a portal for accessing referrals to other regional and provincial eating disorder programs and intensive treatment.

“We are bringing service to where the need is and offer convenient access on campus, as the location of the Eating Disorder Program on Jutland Rd. can be a transportation barrier to some students,” says Carol Tickner, nutritionist.

Students with an eating disorder or disordered eating patterns can access the clinic by referral from either a Health Services physician or Counselling Services counsellor here on campus.

In this story

Keywords: eating disorders, youth, health

People: Cliff Duncalf

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