Swanson’s legacy—a library transformed


- Jean Macgregor

Change and collaboration are keywords for Marnie Swanson’s tenure as University Librarian. Retiring last month after 23 years as head of UVic Libraries, Swanson not only piloted the library through extensive brick-and-mortar renovations, but also oversaw an electronic transformation of the library’s collections and practices.

A long-term member of the University of Victoria Senate and many senior executive committees at UVic, Swanson has been a leader in research library consortia, including the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL). She received the 2011 Helen Gordon Stewart Award for an outstanding career in librarianship from the British Columbia Library Association, and the 2011 CARL award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship.

The recent renovations to the Diana M. Priestly Law Library and the expansion of McPherson Library to include the William C. Mearns Centre for Learning are evidence of dramatic change at UVic Libraries with Swanson at the helm.

When she arrived in 1988, stacks and shelves of books covered the windows in parts of McPherson Library. Now, the building better reflects the ways students work and study, with light-filled galleries, group study spaces and comfortable seating.

“It’s a more welcoming space now,” says Swanson. “Unlike some more impersonal libraries, ours still feels like a library. We were so lucky to have architects who got to know us and understood the functions of our library. They did a great job of combining the aesthetics with function. It works, and it looks good.”

Renovation and expansion of McPherson Library was a 15-year undertaking, starting with seismic upgrading and reconfiguring of the loan desk. “It was a real feat to keep services running and the building open during that time,” says Swanson. “We spent a lot of money on earplugs.”

But change at UVic Libraries during Swanson’s tenure hasn’t been all wood and windows.

She was hired with a mandate to computerize the library—a tall order in 1988. Under her direction, librarians and library staff started from scratch, with few automated functions in place at that time.

“Library staff have been through change like no other department on campus,” says Swanson. “And librarians still hold the same fundamental values, but they are doing very different jobs now.”

The library’s role in powering the research engine at UVic now includes new areas of service, such as support for open source publications, digitization, copyright management, social media and mobile text reference. According to Swanson, these innovations and greater collaboration between librarians, researchers and faculty are increasingly important to UVic Libraries.

One of the greatest rewards of her position has been working with people all over the university, says Swanson.

“I worked with the deans, but also with all faculties, finance, the budget office—you name it—came in contact with most people at one time or another. It was rewarding to get to know the campus and meet lots of different, very interesting people. I felt lucky to have that opportunity—it’s a unique position,” she says.

Promoting collaboration, not only around the Ring but also among research libraries in British Columbia, has been a hallmark of Swanson’s career. Co-operative collection and service development projects, such as stewardship of Canadian research data resources and development of shared storage, or “last copy” facilities have been a priority for Swanson.

Swanson says her biggest surprise in the job came on her last day of work, when Dr. Reeta Tremlay, VP Academic & Provost, announced the development of the Marnie Swanson International Commons in the Mearns Centre for Learning. The new commons will provide space and support for international students, and reflects the personal touch Swanson brought to all her projects at the university.

“I am very, very honoured,” says Swanson.

Renovation of the space for the new commons falls to the new University Librarian, Jonathan Bengtson. Bengtson comes to UVic Libraries from concurrent positions as director of Library and Archives at University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto and at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto.

Despite the rewards of the job and the honours, Swanson is ready to get her retirement project under way alongside her husband, Chuck Swanson, who also starts 2012 in retirement from his position as Vice-president of real estate at BC Investment Management Corporation. The Swansons plan to move up-island later this year to be closer to their grandchildren.



In this story

Keywords: staff, retiree

People: Marnie Swanson

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