Masterminds share their thoughts

Throughout April, UVic presents Masterminds 2012, a program of lectures offered by a growing roster of UVic emeritus professors.

  • On April 4, Stanton Tuller (geography) presents a lecture entitled “The Climate of Victoria, Variations and Controls” in which he will discuss the factors that make Victoria’s climate distinct in the region.
  • On April 11, Martin Segger (UVic collections) will discuss the emergence of architectural modernism in Greater Victoria, exploring his research on the development of a regional aesthetic in the post-war urban landscape, including UVic’s Gordon Head campus and Centennial Square in downtown Victoria.
  • On April 18, Elaine Gallagher (nursing) will talk about factors affecting BC’s reputation as an age-friendly province, drawing on her research involving 30 communities.
  • On April 25, Larry Yore (education) will discuss a theme that recently earned him an award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching: providing recommendations for making math and science easier to understand.

All lectures are free and open to the public and will start at 7 p.m. in room 105 of the Hickman Building. Arrive early, as seating is limited. More info: 250-721-6369

In this story

Keywords: Masterminds

People: Stanton Tuller, Martin Segger, Elaine Gallagher, Larry Yore

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