Kudos coming for community heroes

Local community leaders are lauded every year at the Victoria Leadership Awards. UVic is a founding partner of the VLA awards program, with the University of Victoria Community Leadership Awards (up to two per year) acknowledging leadership in linking the university and the community for greater public benefit. On Jan. 19, in advance of the gala awards event, Leadership Victoria announced its Lifetime Achievement Award recipient: local philanthropist and businessman Naz Rayani. The 2012 VLA gala reception takes place Feb. 21 at the Fairmont Empress. Biographies of the 2012 nominees—including David Chuenyan Lai, Ali Dastmalchian, Mary Ellen Purkis and Andrew Weaver, to name just a few from UVic: http://bit.ly/emtrZZ

In this story

Keywords: Victoria Leadership Awards, award

People: Naz Rayani

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