Public feedback informs CARSA redesign

Work on a revised design for a parkade related to the proposed Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA) is under way following a series of open houses and public feedback on five options in March.

“We are grateful that people took the time to attend the open houses, consider the parkade options and provide their thoughtful comments,” says Kristi Simpson, associate vice-president responsible for campus planning.

The public had the opportunity to attend one of three open houses where university staff were available to explain the concepts and answer questions. The parkade options, as well as reports on topics such as traffic management, geotechnical analysis and tree protection, have been available online at

Options presented at the open houses included removing two levels of parking, providing partial underground parking, relocating the structure to an adjacent parking lot, or building two smaller parkades instead of one larger one.

Feedback was gathered at the open houses and also online until March 30. The input will be summarized and made public as part of the consultation process. Updates will be posted at

“Providing the community with information on the feedback received as well as opportunities to review and understand the revised design that the university is considering are an important part of the CARSA consultation process,” says Simpson.

The university is using the input received in drafting a revised design while also considering factors such as financial implications; Saanich’s by-laws; the building’s visual appearance; traffic; efficient land use; consistency with UVic’s Campus Plan and 2008 Traffic and Parking Management Study; other potential uses for the site; provision of sufficient, accessible and convenient parking for CARSA users; and technical implications.

The revised design will be the subject of four open houses to be held in different neighborhoods as well as on the UVic campus.

The public will have the opportunity to review the revised design and provide feedback on different visual appearance options.
The open houses are:

  • April 28 at St. Aidan’s United Church, 3703 St. Aidan’s St., noon to 3 p.m.
  • April 30 at Mount Douglas Secondary School, 3970 Gordon Head Rd., multi-purpose room, 5 to 8 p.m.
  • May 1 at the University of Victoria, Student Union Building, Michelle Pujol room, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • May 2 at Cadboro Bay United Church, 2625 Arbutus Rd., 4 to 7 p.m.

The proposed CARSA project will provide a new home for UVic’s Department of Athletics and Recreation and for CanAssist, UVic’s internationally renowned entity that develops and delivers technologies, programs and services critical to improving the quality of life for people living with disabilities.

CARSA will include a 2,000-seat spectator gym, a multi-purpose field house (flexible sport court and activity space), space for community recreation and fitness programs, squash and racquetball courts, a climbing tower, related office and activity spaces as well as office and laboratory space for CanAssist.


In this story

Keywords: athletics, campus

People: Kristi Simpson

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