Pang: "Everything clicked" for student from China

- Cassidy Nunn

Yuanjie Pang has always had a passion for science, but it wasn’t until he began studying electrical engineering at UVic that everything clicked. This career choice has proven fruitful—he completed his studies last August with a Bachelor of Engineering and convocated in November 2008 with the IEEE Victoria Section Gold Medal in Electrical Engineering, a handful of strong co-op work experiences, and a seat in UVic’s Masters of Engineering Program.

Pang hasn’t always had his sights set upon engineering. While growing up in China, he developed a passion for physics and won numerous awards for his talent in this area. He considered a career in physics as well as a career as a doctor, but when he discovered UVic’s electrical engineering program, he decided to move to Canada.

Pang spent a few years improving his English at language schools in Vancouver before deciding he was ready to tackle the rigors of engineering. He embraced his studies and completed four co-operative education work terms, including one working for the Laboratory of Optics here on campus, where he maintained and tested interface optical components and helped design and setup optical experiments, among other duties.

Pang received a University of Victoria Fellowship for his graduate studies here. He was pleased to be accepted into the graduate program at UVic because it meant he wouldn’t have to move to a big city. Life in Victoria, and especially the weather, suits Pang. “Can you find another city in Canada that has better weather?” he asks with a laugh. He was also thrilled to be working with graduate supervisor Dr. Reuven Gordon, whom he describes as a “young, energetic and very productive professor.”

When Pang isn’t busy with school or work, he enjoys playing soccer and video games, building models and reading Chinese novels. While he loves Victoria, he misses China and is looking forward to a trip back home next February to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

For now the future holds more education, and possibly teaching for Pang. When asked what his dream job is, he says “maybe a professor, if I’m lucky enough.” Research work, however, remains high on his list of possible jobs. “You always learn something new when you’re doing research.”

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Keywords: pang, clicked

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