EDITOR'S NOTE: Can you see yourself in The Ring?

- Robie Liscomb

We’re making some ambitious changes here at The Ring, the most visible of which is the launch of our new website (please click around and let us know what you think). But there’s a lot more going on than just a new website.

We’re using the catchphrase “More Ring, More You” as a way of attracting your attention to (and focusing ours on) these changes.

Our mandate at The Ring is to serve the university’s internal communications needs and to help build a strong sense of community. We do that by telling stories of the incredibly talented people here and the amazing and wonderful things that they do.

Being able to learn about and tell these stories is one of the great satisfactions of our work.

Conversely, one of our greatest frustrations is that we’re only able to cover (and print) a small fraction of the exciting things going on here.

We just don’t have the resources to cover all the great stories, nor do we have the space in our print editions to publish them all. That’s where the current changes come in.

“More Ring”

While we can’t print more pages, the sky’s the limit on our new website. We’ll be posting fresh content as often as we can (we’re hoping that’s eventually going to mean every day or two) and including a wide variety of material (articles, photos, videos, audio clips) that we can’t squeeze into our monthly print edition.

“More You”

We think of The Ring as UVic’s community news source, but our news source is you, the members of the UVic community. We want to put more “you” in The Ring.

You may have noticed lately that a wider variety of voices has been represented in The Ring—content not produced by our regular staff contributors. These include opinion pieces, letters, first-person reports. We want to keep moving in this direction and are opening up The Ring to contributions from you—members of the UVic community. Not only do we want to hear your suggestions for stories to cover, we want your help in covering them, in words, sound, and pictures.

We are recruiting voluntary contributors from all areas of the university to work under the direction of the editor to help us communicate the important stories that we otherwise might miss. We’re interested in anything that fits our mandate and is relevant and of interest to the general UVic community.

Click on the “Get involved” tab on our homepage to find out more about being a voluntary contributor. Then contact me (robie@uvic.ca or 250-721-7640) to discuss your ideas and how we might work together. And keep visiting ring.uvic.ca to see what’s fresh and new.


In this story

Keywords: new, ring, website

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