A Cup of Winners

Fine Arts

- John Threlfall

While a whole whack o' Fine Arts faculty were among the long list of nominees in Monday Magazine's ninth annual M Awards, only three made it into the winner's circle at the April 5 event.The Department of Writing was well represented with a pair of wins, seeing graduate advisor Maureen Bradley pick up "Favourite Filmmaker" and sessional instructor Melanie Siebert getting the nod for "Favourite Book of Poetry" for Deepwater Vee (with Monday quipping that "our little M Award does seem kind of small potatoes" compared to her position as finalist for the 2010 Governor General's Award for Poetry). And Visual Arts sessional instructor Megan Dickie won the award for Favourite Artist, with Monday noting "While this was one of many close races this year—only nine votes separated first and second place—we're not surprised Megan Dickie's whimsical sculptures capture the imaginations and votes of Monday readers. Megan's obsession with novelty was taken to new levels at Contact Games, her exhibit of serigraph prints and sculptures at Deluge this past June."
Also among the winners were retired Writing prof Jack Hodgins for his latest novel, Master of Happy Endings (in a tie for Favourite Fiction Book with Robert J. Weirsema's Bedtime Story) and various alumni involved with the Victoria Symphony (Favourite Professional Ensemble), Intrepid Theatre (Favourite Annual Event or Festival: Victoria Fringe Festival) and the Belfry Theatre (winners in three categories, including Favourite New Play: The Life Inside, Favourite Overall Production: Where the Blood Mixes, Favourite Musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee). Congratulations to all!

In this story

Keywords: award, arts

People: Maureen Bradley, Melanie Siebert, Megan Dickie, Jack Hodgins

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