Shinny, Sidney and Summit Series at Hockey Conference

Hockey fans aren’t the only ones watching the NHL league standings as teams battle for playoff positions. For many academics and writers, hockey is also the focus of their research and writing. From April 19–21, men and women from around the world will gather at Victoria’s Grand Pacific Hotel for “Canada and the League of Hockey Nations,” a University of Victoria-organized international conference examining the game from a variety of perspectives.

Conference organizer and UVic English professor Jamie Dopp got the idea for the Victoria event after attending a similar gathering in Boston. “We’ve had a tremendous response that cuts across many disciplines—English, kinesiology, history, sport management,” says Dopp about the conference presenters. “It will be an opportunity for people to get together, share new knowledge about the game and talk hockey.”

Several UVic researchers will be among the presenters. Writing professor Bill Gaston (who, like Dopp, plays hockey) will discuss his latest book Midnight Hockey. Colleague Lorna Jackson, with a book about hockey coming out in the fall, will participate on a panel on the challenges of writing about the game. English professor Misao Dean will chair a panel on hockey and gender identity and her colleague Doug Beardsley will chair a panel on hockey and history. Panel participant and filmmaker Brett Kashmere will show Valery’s Ankle, his multimedia presentation about the 1972 Summit Series between Team Canada and Team USSR, with a focus on Bobby Clarke’s slash on the late Valery Kharlamov’s ankle that injured the Soviet star at a pivotal point in the series.

Harley Hotchkiss, part owner of the Calgary Flames and chairman of the NHL board of governors, will deliver the keynote address at the conference banquet. Conference presentations include: examining the introduction of body checking in atom level hockey; how hockey culture reacts to sport-related concussions; the history of women’s hockey; race and hockey; and a dissection of how the media represents new NHL sensation Sidney Crosby.

Registration is still being accepted for the conference. Visit for program details and registration information or contact Dopp at 721-7251 or

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Media contacts

Jamie Dopp (English) at 250-721-7251 or

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Keywords: shinny, sidney, summit, series, hockey, conference

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