Where Do You Stand on Big Issues and Small Spaces?

Forming a point of view on issues such as assisted suicide and same-sex marriage is no easy task. But help is available in the form of courses featured in the University of Victoria's division of continuing studies new spring 2005 calendar.

Many courses start in January and are held at the UVic campus, at UVic Downtown (910 Government Street), and at Dunsmuir Lodge. They are offered at convenient times to cater to learners from all walks of life wanting to pursue a personal interest or professional career development. Among the courses being offered are:

The Stem Cells/Cloning Controversy: Are Religious and Ethical Concerns Inhibiting New Cures? (pg. 42)

Research involving the use of therapeutic cloning and stem cells has opened the possibility of developing replacement organs and tissues such as kidneys, livers, and even nerves. What are the religious and ethical concerns surrounding this practice? A series of distinguished speakers will address this issue.

Integral Urbanism: Towards a More Liveable City (pg. 22)
With a focus on Victoria, Nan Ellin, author and associate professor in the school of architecture at Arizona State University, explores the qualities that make cities appealing. Participants will be inspired and enabled to formulate their own vision and action plan for what Victoria could/should become.

Naturescape B.C.: Caring for Wildlife Habitat at Home (pg. 30)
A rooftop patio, or the corner of a suburban garden — even the smallest of spaces can be “naturescaped” as part of the effort to understand, restore, preserve, and embrace wildlife habitat in our urban, suburban, and rural landscapes.

Continuing studies calendars are available online at www.uvcs.uvic.ca or from the continuing studies building at UVic. They are also obtainable from regional public libraries and recreation centres. Register online at www.uvcs.uvic.ca/, by phone at (250) 472-4747, or in person at the continuing studies building (from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday), or at UVic downtown (9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.).

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Media contacts

Michael Turner (Continuing Studies) at (250) 721-8460 or mturner@uvcs.uvic.ca

Maria Lironi (UVic Communications) at (250) 721-6139 or lironim@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: stand, big, issues, small, spaces

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