Food for Fines

What is Food for Fines?

Food for Fines is an annual food drive put on by the UVic Libraries. Every year we collect food, personal needs items and money in support of the Mustard Seed and UVic Students' Society (UVSS) food banks.

From December 1-15, UVic Libraries will be accepting non-perishable food items, personal hygiene items and monetary donations in exchange for a reduction of library fines.

  • for every non-perishable food item or personal item, like toothbrushes or soap, we will take $2 off your fines up to $20
  • you can also "pay" for your fines, but ask that up to $20 of your fines be donated to the food banks instead of the libraries

No fines? No problem!

The UVic Libraries are happy to accept donations by students, staff, faculty and community members in support of the Mustard Seed and UVSS food banks.

Drop off non-perishable food items, personal needs items or money to the campus libraries and we will pass them on to the food banks!

For more information