Teaching assistant opportunities

Teaching assistant (CUPE 4163, Component 1)

Teaching assistant (TA) employment opportunities are available during the wintersSession (Sep-Apr), and a limited number of positions may be available in summer session, depending on course enrollment. Priority will first be given to graduate students enrolled in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education's programs in accordance with the CUPE 4163 Appointment Priority Policy A.




Deadline: Application for Winter Session positions are due June 15th.Graduate students accepted to their programs after this deadline are invited to submit an application as soon as possible after acceptance. Non-Canadian applicants must provide evidence of either permanent residence or copies of your work/student visa and Canadian Social Insurance Number.

Your appplication is for both terms of the winter session, so even if you are only interested in positions starting in January, your application is due by June 15th. Please be as specific as possible about your preferences (e.g., specify the term (Sep-Dec and/or Jan-Apr), the course, how many sections, etc.). Send your application to the attention of the school's Administrative officer.

Note: "Employees registered in an academic degree program will normally be limited to a maximum of 14 hours of work per week on average over the term of appointment" (Article 14.02b).

Please be sure to check the course timetable and ensure you are available during the times the courses and labs are offered.

Selection will be made on the basis of the following criteria (Article 13.02b):

  • the qualifications and ability of the candidate(s) based on academic merit and related experience;
  • the career and/or pedagogical value that the experience in a particular position will provide the student;
  • the student's preferences; and
  • other sources of graduate student financial support being received.

EPHE Laboratory Instructors (EPHE 141, 201, 241, 242, 245, 341, 344, 360, 380)

  • Number of Positions: varies, see chart below
  • Total hours: 86 (average weekly hours: 6)
  • Rate per hour: $25.02 (effective 1 Sep 2017)
  • Total salary: $2,151.72 plus 4% vacation pay paid over eight pay periods. (Wages will be paid in equal installments but actual hours worked may vary in a given pay period depending on the work schedule.)
  • Start/end dates: Sep 1 - Dec 31 and Jan 1 - Apr 30

Summary of duties and responsibilities

When applying please state specific course(s) you are qualified to instruct. This must be supported by evidence (e.g., transcripts) that you have the relevant content knowledge. Non-Canadian applicants must provide evidence of either permanent residence or copies of your work/student visa and Canadian Social Insurance number.

Under the supervision of the course instructor and lab coordinator, duties may include but are not limited to the following. Lab instructors:  

  • will attend mandatory TA orientation session in September
  • will teach/instruct labs (each lab is 2-hr with approximately 15-18 students) based on presentation and notes provided by the lab coordinator;
  • will attend workshop(s) as required by lab coordinator or course instructor (e.g., to learn use of lab equipment, 'fresh prep' prosection, statistical analysis (SPSS));
  • will attend weekly lab instructor meetings;
  • will attend marking meetings;
  • will mark lab quizzes, lab reports, other lab assignments (pre-lab, critical thinking, poster, etc.) (answer keys provided)
  • may mark course mid-terms and final exams (answer keys provided);
  • may collaborate with undergraduate student lab assistants (volunteers and work study students);
  • will provide student consultation at established hours;
  • may contribute to journal article pool;
  • may update data in CourseSpaces shell; and
  • other tasks may be added at the time of the work schedule meeting with the course instructor and/or lab coordinator depending on qualifications and time available.

Note: Specific duties will be confirmed at the time of the work schedule meeting to complete the Checklist of Duties (CUPE Forms).

Required qualifications and experience

Applicants should possess an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education or acceptable equivalent. Prior experience as an instructor or teaching assistant in the specific subject area is preferred.  An interest in learning, teaching, and a willingness to apply yourself is expected.

Course Positions (approx) Skills, experience, qualities in addition to the above
EPHE 141 Up to 6 per term (Sep-Dec or Jan-Apr) Must have completed EPHE 141 or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in human anatomy; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 201 Up to 4 (Sep-Dec) Must have completed EPHE 201 or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in human movement; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 241 (formerly 241B) Up to 6 (Sep-Dec) Must have completed EPHE 241 (formerly 241B) or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in human systemic physiology; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 242 (formerly 241A) Up to 3 (Jan-Apr) Must have completed EPHE 242 (formerly 241A) or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in human cellular physiology; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 245 Up to 3 (Sep-Dec) Must have completed EPHE 245 or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in motor learning; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 341 Up to 1 (Jan-Apr) Must have completed EPHE 341 or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in biomechanics; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 344 1 only each term (Sep-Dec or Jan-Apr) Must have completed EPHE 344 or equivalent and have in-depth knowledge in care and prevention of athletic injuries; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 360 Up to 5 (Sep-Dec) Must have completed EPHE 360 or equivalent and have background knowledge in exercise physiology and prescription; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 
EPHE 380 Up to 4 (Jan-Apr) Must have completed EPHE 380 or equivalent and have a background in motor control; willingness to voluntarily fill gaps in content knowledge by attending course lectures or self-study. 

EPHE 142 teaching assistants

  • 3 positions each term (Sep-Dec OR Jan-Apr); up to 2 in summer session (previous EPHE 142 TA's only).
  • Total hours: 86 (avg. wkly hr: 6 winter; approx. 2 hr/day summer).
  • Rate per hour: $25.15 (effective 1 Sep 2017).
  • Total: $2,151.72 plus 4% vacation pay paid over eight pay periods. (Wages will be paid in equal installments but actual hours worked may vary in a given pay period depending on the work schedule.)
  • Start/end dates: Sep 1-Dec 31 and Jan 1-Apr 30.

Summary of duties and responsibilities

Under the supervision of the EPHE 142 course instructor, teaching assistants:

  • will attend mandatory TA orientation session in September;
  • will meet weekly with course instructor and other TAs;
  • will attend EPHE 142 scheduled classes as required to assist with attendance taking, set up of audio visual aids, teaching and learning tools and hosting guests;
  • will find quotations, articles and websites;
  • will assist with group projects;
  • will mark midterm and final exams, lifestyle change and group projects;
  • may invigilate course tests and exams;
  • may make short presentations in class;
  • may assist with Moodle;
  • may liaise between students and class;
  • will transcribe one-minute papers; and
  • may assist with tutoring sessions.

The duties may vary between TAs and include some leadership tasks.

Required qualiifications and experience

Applicants should possess an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education or acceptable equivalent. Prior experience as an instructor or teaching assistant would be an asset, but not a mandatory requirement.  Willingness and ability to learn, on your own time, course content or other knowledge required to support the learning of the students.  Non-Canadian applicants must provide evidence of either permanent residence or copies of your work/student visa and Canadian Social Insurance number.

EPHE tutors

  • Number of Positions: varies, see chart below.
  • Total hours: 86 (average weekly hours: 6).
  • Rate per hour: $25.15 (effective 1 Sep 2017).
  • Total salary: $2,151.72 plus 4% vacation pay paid over eight pay periods (Wages will be paid in equal installments but actual hours worked may vary in a given pay period depending on the work schedule).
  • Start/end dates: Sep 1-Dec 31 and Jan 1-Apr 30.

Summary of duties and responsibilities

When applying please state specific position you are qualified to fill.

Under the supervision of the course instructor, laboratory coordinator and/or laboratory instructor, performs the following:

  • will attend mandatory TA orientation session in September
  • will attend training sessions as required (e.g., in use of course software and/or equipment);
  • will guide and supervise weekly study group sessions (tutoring);
  • will assist in class preparation (equipment set up and take down, other as needed);
  • will assist with equipment management (maintenance, inventory, scheduling, tutorial manual);
  • will assist with invigilating course exams and/or lab quizzes;
  • will mark course mid-term and final exams (answer keys provided);
  • will mark lab assignments (answer keys provided);
  • will attend weekly meetings with laboratory coordinator and laboratory instructors; and
  • other tasks may be added at the time of the establishment of the work schedule.

Required qualitifications and experience

Applicants should possess an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education or acceptable equivalent. Prior experience as a tutor or learning/teaching assistant is preferred, but not required.  Willingness and ability to learn, on your own time, course content, course specific equipment use, technology and software.  Non-Canadian applicants must provide evidence of either permanent residence or copies of your work/student visa and Canadian Social Insurance number.

Course Positions Skills, experience, qualities in addition to the above
EPHE 201/245 One (Sep-Dec only) Basic competency in the content of EPHE 201 and EPHE 245 and an interest in acquiring technical skills. Competency in video analysis and Excel.
EPHE 341 One (Jan-Apr only) Basic competency in the content of EPHE 341 and an interest in acquiring technical skills. Competency in video analysis, force plate, EMG, inertial measurement unit, 3D motion capture and Excel.
PE Teacher Education courses One (86 hr spread over both terms Sep-Apr) Competency in the use of the following software: iMovie for Mac and Movie Maker for Windows, Google Sites, Google Docs and Moodle.